Our Golden Guernsey goats
These are our young stock goats -
Pepper – Is a beautiful, kind and gentle goat
Marigold – Is a diva, a super model of a goat, she is wilful and very clever
Saffron – Is a big girl, she is Marigold’s twin sister and her total opposite
The 2024 Kids – Bramble and Hazel - so cute, so delightful and full of mischief and fun
We have 4 adult female goats who bred and therefore milked in 2024, we don’t have a resident billy, but breeding is essential, so we source the best bloodlines we can for our girls, expanding the gene pool and so helping to maintain the breed diversity and producing good quality, to breed standard golden guernsey goats.
When in milk, our goats can produce around a 1 pint each time they are milked.
Golden Guernsey milk has a high butterfat and protein content, compared to other goat breeds, so is perfectly good for making yoghurt, cheese and in our case our creamy soaps.